Friday, April 22, 2011

To Be a Mother, Earth that is.....

Its been a bit of time since my last blog.  Lots of activity in our home, in our work lives and in school.  Not all good.  Not all bad.  I think its been a challenge to write lately for many reasons.  The first reason - obvious, no time.  But really it comes down to I don't want to write about the stress, sadness or frustration that I have felt over the last few months.  I want to write about the happy times, the inspiring times, the fun times.  Trust me, there have been lots and lots of moment that have been amazingly beautiful.  As a family, we have celebrated some great event and small celebrations.  Each one passing quickly.  So quickly that I have not been able to record them here to share with you all.  I will eventually get those moments recorded.  Currently they are archived in my heart, and thankfully in photo's, so they will be shared shortly.

Today was a special day.  A day to slow down and enjoy the moment.  We started a new tradition last year of spending Earth Day out at the beach.  We go to the beach often, but this day is to celebrate Mother Earth in a special way.  Also, I think its neat to see how things change over a period of time on the same day each year.  The beach, although in flux through out the day never seems to change.
We shared our time with special friends, making the day even more sweet.

 Emilly collecting material to erect Fort Dorren
 Shelby G -
 Robbie - held his own with all the ladies!
 Shelby with her Grandfather's sweet sun hat
I Love My Brother!

  I Love My Sister!
 Jaycee G -
 Can't seem to get them all to look my way - gave up and took this shot!